
PDF Content Accessors

This module extends the pypdfium2 Python API with low-level accessors for characters and graphics. Note that these modules support read-only access to PDFs, since a lot of caching is used to speed up commonly accessed properties.

This module only contains formatting independent PDF access which is then specialized in the vendor-specific modm_data.pdf2html modules.

 1# Copyright 2022, Niklas Hauser
 2# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
 5# PDF Content Accessors
 7This module extends the pypdfium2 Python API with low-level accessors for
 8characters and graphics. Note that these modules support read-only access to
 9PDFs, since a lot of caching is used to speed up commonly accessed properties.
11This module only contains formatting independent PDF access which is then
12specialized in the vendor-specific `modm_data.pdf2html` modules.
15from .document import Document
16from .page import Page
17from .character import Character
18from .link import ObjLink, WebLink
19from .graphics import Path, Image
20from .render import render_page_pdf