39class Store: 40 def __init__(self, vendor, device): 41 self.base_url = "" 42 self.vendor = vendor 43 self.device = device 44 self._path = ext_path(f"{vendor}/owl") 45 # Add the directory to the search path 46 owl.onto_path.append(self._path) 47 self.ontology = owl.get_ontology(f"{self.base_url}/{vendor}/{device}") 48 49 # def set_device_iri(self, device): 50 # self.ontology.set_base_iri(f"{self.base_url}/{self.vendor}/{device}", rename_entities=False) 51 52 def namespace(self, name): 53 return self.ontology.get_namespace(f"{self.vendor}/{name}") 54 55 def load(self, name=None): 56 if name is None: 57 name = "ontology" 58 fileobj = open(self._path / f"{name}.owl", "rb") 59 self.ontology.load(only_local=True, fileobj=fileobj, reload=True) 60 61 def save(self, name=None): 62 self._path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) 63 if name is None: 64 name = "ontology" 65 file = str(self._path / f"{name}.owl") 66 67 68 # dom = ET.parse(file) 69 # xslt = ET.XML(XSLT_SORT) 70 # transform = ET.XSLT(xslt) 71 # newdom = transform(dom) 72 # Path(file).write_bytes(ET.tostring(newdom, pretty_print=True)) 73 74 # owl.default_world.set_backend(filename=str(self._path / f"{name}.sqlite3")) 75 # 76 77 def clear(self): 78 # self.ontology._destroy_cached_entities() 79 80 # self.ontology.destroy() 81 # self.ontology = owl.get_ontology(f"{self.base_url}/{self.vendor}") 82 83 def __repr__(self) -> str: 84 return f"Store({self.vendor}/{self.device})"
Store(vendor, device)
40 def __init__(self, vendor, device): 41 self.base_url = "" 42 self.vendor = vendor 43 self.device = device 44 self._path = ext_path(f"{vendor}/owl") 45 # Add the directory to the search path 46 owl.onto_path.append(self._path) 47 self.ontology = owl.get_ontology(f"{self.base_url}/{vendor}/{device}")
save(self, name=None):
61 def save(self, name=None): 62 self._path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) 63 if name is None: 64 name = "ontology" 65 file = str(self._path / f"{name}.owl") 66 67 68 # dom = ET.parse(file) 69 # xslt = ET.XML(XSLT_SORT) 70 # transform = ET.XSLT(xslt) 71 # newdom = transform(dom) 72 # Path(file).write_bytes(ET.tostring(newdom, pretty_print=True)) 73 74 # owl.default_world.set_backend(filename=str(self._path / f"{name}.sqlite3")) 75 #
10class DeviceIdentifier: 11 def __init__(self, naming_schema=None): 12 self.naming_schema = naming_schema 13 self._properties = OrderedDict() 14 self.__string = None 15 self.__ustring = None 16 self.__hash = None 17 18 @property 19 def _ustring(self): 20 if self.__ustring is None: 21 self.__ustring = "".join([k + self._properties[k] for k in sorted(self._properties.keys())]) 22 if self.naming_schema: 23 self.__ustring += self.naming_schema 24 return self.__ustring 25 26 def copy(self): 27 identifier = DeviceIdentifier(self.naming_schema) 28 identifier._properties = copy.deepcopy(self._properties) 29 identifier.__string = self.__string 30 identifier.__ustring = self.__ustring 31 identifier.__hash = self.__hash 32 return identifier 33 34 def keys(self): 35 return self._properties.keys() 36 37 @property 38 def string(self): 39 # if no naming schema is available, throw up 40 if self.naming_schema is None: 41 raise ValueError("Naming schema is missing!") 42 # Use the naming schema to generate the string 43 if self.__string is None: 44 self.__string = string.Formatter().vformat(self.naming_schema, (), defaultdict(str, **self._properties)) 45 return self.__string 46 47 def set(self, key, value): 48 self.__hash = None 49 self.__string = None 50 self.__ustring = None 51 self._properties[key] = value 52 53 def get(self, key, default=None): 54 return self._properties.get(key, default) 55 56 def __getitem__(self, key): 57 return self.get(key, None) 58 59 def __getattr__(self, attr): 60 val = self.get(attr, None) 61 if val is None: 62 raise AttributeError(f"'{self!r}' has no property '{attr}'") 63 return val 64 65 def __eq__(self, other): 66 return self._ustring == other._ustring 67 68 def __ne__(self, other): 69 return not self == other 70 71 def __hash__(self): 72 if self.__hash is None: 73 self.__hash = hash(self._ustring) 74 return self.__hash 75 76 def __str__(self): 77 return self.string 78 79 def __repr__(self): 80 return self.string if self.naming_schema else f"DeviceId({self._ustring})"
37 @property 38 def string(self): 39 # if no naming schema is available, throw up 40 if self.naming_schema is None: 41 raise ValueError("Naming schema is missing!") 42 # Use the naming schema to generate the string 43 if self.__string is None: 44 self.__string = string.Formatter().vformat(self.naming_schema, (), defaultdict(str, **self._properties)) 45 return self.__string